H i s d a i l y v a r i e t y

My Daily Views on the World!

Flesh to Flesh

From award-winning author Lee Hayes -- an erotic exploration into the lives of African-American gay men and their desires for love and acceptance.

Unapologetically raw in its approach to the sexual lives and happenings of African-American gay men, Flesh to Flesh is a gritty, pulsing view into a demographic that is often demonized and condemned. These stories provide a rare, true revelation of how gay men are faring in an age where sensuality is a major factor in everyday media and consciousness.

What do gay men feel about life, love, relationships, and intimacy? For anyone who has wondered about the passion between two men, this explosive, sexually charged anthology peels back the layers to show what lies beneath modern stereotypes and homophobia


If it helps I help shoot the cover. LMAO
And no that is not why my best friend is on the cover.

2 Responses to “Flesh to Flesh”

  1. # Blogger RocaFella07

    Now THIS is something that Ican sink my teeth into this Summer!

    Thanx for telling us about it!


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Bought it the first day it came out.  

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