A good friend of Mine recently wrote a Blog, I thought I share. He is losing his faith I think?
"My Friends Blog"
So many times in life I've asked questions that seemingly have no answers. Some say to just let go and let god. But see that has always been my shortcoming. I was never one to walk blindly. I need answers. For EVERYTHING. Like for instance is it possible to be cursed. I'm not talking hokey pokey, witches brew, frogs, snails, and puppy dogs tails...I mean really cursed, from birth. To be destined for destruction. To always come up short on any deal. Metaphorically: To always get to the bus stop just as it's pulling away. Just when you are learning to be happy, Satan waves his bloody hand and instantly your world is upside down. You haven't done worst than most but yet you suffer beyond recognition. You ask the Creator for forgivness and he grants you mild happiness. And for these blessings you are immensly grateful. But just as you begin to trust him fully and let him work through you, LIFE happens, and your FAITH is once again in question. You tell yourself, "The devil is a liar, and is trying to trick me into turning my back" But honestly you don't know what to believe anymore. As you look back over your life, you see instances where you've called on HIM, and yet your obstacles remained insurmountable. You ask why. Why was Mommy taken by a brain tumor? Why was Step-Daddy abusive? Why was Granddaddy a raging alcohollic, who threatened your life with a loaded gun, and never apologized? Why was brother killed by a young kid driving his mothers car without a licensce? Why were you born gay, when everyone seems to think that it was a consciouse choice, and you however have no recollection of every waking up and saying, "I think today I'll fall in love with a man? Why have you had to push 20 times harder for what most people barely make an effort for? You try feverishly to maintain your faith, but it's still in question. You ask for answers. You ask for patience. You ask for signs. You talk to the Creator and you express your thankfulness for all blessings past, present and future. But God it's so hard to hold on to my FAITH right now, especially when it seems that everytime I get used to being ok with something, a new tragedy occurs. I'm trying so desperately, and if you know my heart then you know that to be authentic. People say, "It's only a test. A test of your love and faith." But I say, "Those that i love, and know love me, i just love them unconditionally. I don't test them to see how much they love me. I just know because they show it in their actions. And I was made in his likeness, right?"
My Replyed
A Jewish teaching that stresses if one is planting a tree, and hears the messiah is coming, one should continue planting. "Its our life-affirming actions that produce the reality of a messianic future."
To deal with the Bull shit, is life. All those things you have gone though and continue to go though are life. All these things that happen had/have nothing to do with you. You let people in this life have there issues. Dont take them with you. You as a person just learn to deal with the side effects. Mother's death, had nothing to do with you. Deal with the side effects. Brother dying, nothing to do with you. Deal with the side effects. Step father's, abuse to you HIS ISSUE, nothing to do with you. Deal with the side effects. Etc.
Life is not easy, never will be. But in that same note know that the more Bull shit you deal with, and make it though. The closer you are to Completing your Divine Destiny. Look at the Hardships as gifts on the Traveling road, to betterment. We all have different stories, some seem or look harder then others. But no one knows anyones life trial. Take the GIFTS of hardships, and rejoice in them!
If anyone has anything else to add to this, please hit me.
How many of us, truly know what is going on in the world around us? We walk past the news stands, choosing the bull crap of the New York Post over the New York Times. We chose to not want to get into the worlds problems, because we have enough of our own to handle. Not realizing that the world’s problems are our business. We as Americans tend to live in a bubble of a surreal reality. 9-11 woke us up for about 15mins, but once again like human reaction we get contented and forget we are no superior then the rest. So content we vote Bush back into office. (Subject for another time). Know your world around you! Get out of the comfort of your daily grind and try to make an effort to self educate. Knowing more of your surrounding, can not only enrich your life, but possibly help you to change it.
News not so talked about!
Human-to-Human Infection by Bird Flu Virus Is Confirmed
An Indonesian who died after catching bird flu virus from his 10-year-old son represents the first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission of the disease, a World Health Organization investigation of an unusual family cluster has concluded, the agency said Friday.
The virus mutated slightly when the son had the disease, although not in any way that would allow the virus to pass more readily among people.
It is slightly altered, but in a way that viruses commonly mutate, "But that didn't make it more transmissible or cause more severe disease."
The greater importance of the slightly modified virus is that it’s documented that the virus almost certainly was passed from person to person.
In previous cases where human-to-human transmission was suspected, researchers could not test samples from the patients, or the virus in the patients was the same as that in poultry in the area.
The independent flu watchers, relying on local Indonesian news media, had argued that the pattern of dates on which different family members fell ill suggested that the virus had jumped from human to human to human.
Scientists have long said the A(H5N1) virus, which has killed or led to the culling of hundreds of millions of birds worldwide, does not spread easily to humans or among them. But they have worried that it might mutate to acquire that ability, setting off a devastating pandemic.
More than 200 people have contracted bird flu worldwide, almost all of them after very close contact with infected birds.
Although Indonesia has been struggling all year to control bird flu outbreaks among poultry, the family on Sumatra had no known direct contact with sick birds, although the first to die was a woman who sold vegetables in a market that also sold birds.
But scientists have long suspected that A(H5N1), though an avian virus, could also spread between people in rare cases, if there was prolonged close contact.
Be well-informed in this life! It’s the key instrument in preserving in this unfair place!!!
News not so talked about!
Human-to-Human Infection by Bird Flu Virus Is Confirmed
An Indonesian who died after catching bird flu virus from his 10-year-old son represents the first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission of the disease, a World Health Organization investigation of an unusual family cluster has concluded, the agency said Friday.
The virus mutated slightly when the son had the disease, although not in any way that would allow the virus to pass more readily among people.
It is slightly altered, but in a way that viruses commonly mutate, "But that didn't make it more transmissible or cause more severe disease."
The greater importance of the slightly modified virus is that it’s documented that the virus almost certainly was passed from person to person.
In previous cases where human-to-human transmission was suspected, researchers could not test samples from the patients, or the virus in the patients was the same as that in poultry in the area.
The independent flu watchers, relying on local Indonesian news media, had argued that the pattern of dates on which different family members fell ill suggested that the virus had jumped from human to human to human.
Scientists have long said the A(H5N1) virus, which has killed or led to the culling of hundreds of millions of birds worldwide, does not spread easily to humans or among them. But they have worried that it might mutate to acquire that ability, setting off a devastating pandemic.
More than 200 people have contracted bird flu worldwide, almost all of them after very close contact with infected birds.
Although Indonesia has been struggling all year to control bird flu outbreaks among poultry, the family on Sumatra had no known direct contact with sick birds, although the first to die was a woman who sold vegetables in a market that also sold birds.
But scientists have long suspected that A(H5N1), though an avian virus, could also spread between people in rare cases, if there was prolonged close contact.
Be well-informed in this life! It’s the key instrument in preserving in this unfair place!!!
An ode to me, I think?
3 Comments Published by His Daily Variety on Friday, June 23, 2006 at 12:57 PM.

Why I Fuck With Jared
Complicated people often look for simple answers
Never understanding why simplicity isn’t enough to satisfy the soul
Simple people often overlook their simple answers looking for the unattainable.
Unbalanced in the way of life, we often find friends, soul mates
Simple people that meet our complicated expectations;
That add there flashlight to our darkened paths only to project larger shadows off in the
Companions, often reflections of who you could be, had things been different.
You tolerate more from people like this.
They become your punching bag, confidant, road dawg.
You exchange stories, lurid tales, of laughter, of pain, and just of…
Somewhat like a brutha, closer than a lover, but without all the fronts and airs.
You want to have someone in your life that you know will always be there.
To the naked eye, your relationship is misconstrued
But love is love regardless of the color or hue.
Imbalanced by chemicals, saddened with exctasy,
The things that you want in life and the things that you need sometimes overlap.
He balances me.
Makes me think, makes me laugh, makes me understand that things aren’t as they seem.
Self absorbed, a little neurotic, but he is mine.
Our friendship a special bond.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Simplicity in a over complicated way.
That’s why I fuck with J.
Complicated people often look for simple answers
Never understanding why simplicity isn’t enough to satisfy the soul
Simple people often overlook their simple answers looking for the unattainable.
Unbalanced in the way of life, we often find friends, soul mates
Simple people that meet our complicated expectations;
That add there flashlight to our darkened paths only to project larger shadows off in the
Companions, often reflections of who you could be, had things been different.
You tolerate more from people like this.
They become your punching bag, confidant, road dawg.
You exchange stories, lurid tales, of laughter, of pain, and just of…
Somewhat like a brutha, closer than a lover, but without all the fronts and airs.
You want to have someone in your life that you know will always be there.
To the naked eye, your relationship is misconstrued
But love is love regardless of the color or hue.
Imbalanced by chemicals, saddened with exctasy,
The things that you want in life and the things that you need sometimes overlap.
He balances me.
Makes me think, makes me laugh, makes me understand that things aren’t as they seem.
Self absorbed, a little neurotic, but he is mine.
Our friendship a special bond.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Simplicity in a over complicated way.
That’s why I fuck with J.
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I know your thinking what the fuck! That’s the same thing you should be thinking when you say it!
The definition of the word "Nigger" was a lazy person with no self respect, no regard for family, ignorant, stupid, slow moving, did not speak proper English and had childlike qualities.
African Americans started using the "N" word to refer to themselves in the 1920's taking the e r off of the end of the word and adding the letter a, "Nigga"
Coming from a History of a word that began with the Slave Masters' feelings of superiority over the Africans they deemed their cattle grew into contempt and thus the "Nigger" word was born.
NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga
NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga
NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga NiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNiggaNigga
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I know your thinking what the fuck! That’s the same thing you should be thinking when you say it!
The definition of the word "Nigger" was a lazy person with no self respect, no regard for family, ignorant, stupid, slow moving, did not speak proper English and had childlike qualities.
African Americans started using the "N" word to refer to themselves in the 1920's taking the e r off of the end of the word and adding the letter a, "Nigga"
Coming from a History of a word that began with the Slave Masters' feelings of superiority over the Africans they deemed their cattle grew into contempt and thus the "Nigger" word was born.
He ain't thinking about Shit!
1 Comments Published by His Daily Variety on Thursday, June 22, 2006 at 8:22 PM.

Well since the Sugar Water Festival is this summer, I do plan to have Diva over load. Jill Scott, Ms. Badu, and Queen, all on the same stage, it’s a Mother-Jumping wrap! Well to tell the truth I went last year, trucked it to Jersey, all on my lonesome, cause you know the people will flake on you at the last moment, had an extra ticket that went to waste, fucking bastards. But I’ll have you know, nothing was stopping me. The show opener last year was Floetry, and if you know anything about these UK ladies, they give a SHOW. Marsha is the next coming of Ella; don’t let her get full voice on ya. You will leave with blissful memories.
Yet again I go off on a tangent. My Point was, I had a WBLS moment last night, yes Midnight Storm with Vaughn Harper. No later on then two songs into his line up the sweet sounds of Teena Marie’s Deja Va (I’ve been here before), pierce my speakers, and had me traveling oceans of elation, and remembering this won’t be your first or last time here baby. Now don’t get me wrong I’m feeling B’s new Deja Va track, but it ain’t classic R&B. Teena sings “I’m young and I’m old, I’m rich and I’m poor, I feel like I’ve been on this earth, many times before”! I beg your pardon? You better write some lyrics Teena.
This made me reflect. No one has given appropriate homage to the Diva’s with a little less melanin. The White Soul Sisters. So I will take it upon myself to do so. These Monthly entries will be called “You know she’s white right?” The Diva Spot light this month if it’s not obvious will be on the one and only Ms. Teena Marie. Yes the White Diva of all DIVA’s. I would post a Bio of Ms. T. but who is really going to read it? Just in case here’s a link http://www.ejams.com/teenamarie.htm.
Ms. T. trail blazed many a route, for the white female soul singer we sit back and take an ear to today. So, Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfeid, Taylor Dane, Jojo, X-tina, and yes even Celine. These chicks need to give a whole hearted thank you! Now I don’t know if your slow jam was Portuguese love, Fire and Desire, or If I were a bell. Or a more up-tempo melody, perhaps, I need your loving, behind the groove, or ooo la la la. It’s all in love to Teena. So pump up that Midnight storm, and listen out for Lady T, cause she will get ya!
The Sugar Water Festival
1 Comments Published by His Daily Variety on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 2:41 PM.

Back In the Dayz- When Things were Cool (Thanks Erykah)
0 Comments Published by His Daily Variety on at 12:47 PM.

Back in the Dayz- When things were Cool
Mother May I take three Steps forward? NO! You may not, said the slightly chunky Chiquina Brown. Jeri Curl slightly moist mostly dried up from the summer heat. Popping on cherry Flavor Bazooka Joe. As we all may remember Mother May I was a game of Favoritism, cause if Mama didn’t like you she could and would deny your entire request.
“Why you move Kaream, did I say you could move” Oh that Chiquina!
That’s why I opted for Red Light Green Light 1-2-3 you didn’t have to worry if you were in the favor of Jeri curl bitches like Chiquina. Red light was all about Speed and knowing how to keep your ass froze. He’d turn his back to you and in flash of lighting he’d yell “RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT, 1-2-3” and just as quick be facing you. Heart pumping, fore head sweating. Trying your damnest to stay still. “Jonathan I seen your foot move, Go back! There was nothing worst then a Liar and a Cheater calling the shoots. Working over time trying to hold down there spot as the king of the traffic light.
Now if you didn’t have the speed, or the Ninja like reflects, you may have been a Double Dutch girl, or boy, that’s a whole different story. Now the key to Double Dutch was the “jump in”. Once you mastered the Jump in, and had the timing and the rhythm down, you could be that Bitch. Off all old school games Double Dutch was the hardest, cause if you didn’t know what you were doing, you’d look like a hot mess.
But DD was really for the girls overall. It you wanted to have the unisex game of all time it was drum roll “Steal the Bacon” Stop playing. Ok here is how it went, you get a group of kids together, all ages all sizes, didn’t matter. Now you needed a wide space to play this game, maybe an open field or a blocked off street. In my hood we used a Shampoo bottle, as the bacon. Many different hoods many different bacons.
Being lazy as I can be at times, I decided to take the bus across 125th street.
Well from my Mouth to Gods ears, NEVER!! -- NO MORE!
I tend to stay out of touch of what the youth is talking about today. Given, yes I’m only 26, but I feel light years ahead of people within my age bracket. But we all develop wisdom at our own time. Yet I digress, back to the subject at hand. THE YOUTH don’t talk about shit!-- ie., “My lil’ cousin gradated today, and he had on this lime shirt, these true religion jeans, and these hot ass white and lime Nikes, with his lime socks to match.” “He was killing them lil shorties , them lil bitches couldn’t fuck wit him!” “And I was like that’s my lil cuz, that’s my lil nigga.”
Ok, so what in the hell did I miss a memo? When did kids start speaking like this? When did this become fundamentally okay to speak this way in public, with grown folks in ear shot? Did all Girls of Pre-teen age lose all there innocents? Where did the wonder and the excitement of not knowing go? Rap Lyrics of Slinging Drugs and living “the street life” became the daily norm and the maze of, is this it? “Imma fight that bitch if she keeps looking at me”
I remember a time of Quarter waters, and 25cent wise chips. Was it cause I was the only child, I may have missed out on this street theory? I don’t know, but what I do know is that innocents is never over rated, especially when we live in a world of famine; “in your face lying” governments, and a melting ice cap. Youth is the only place to truly hide! Or will that go the away like Beach erosions?
Well from my Mouth to Gods ears, NEVER!! -- NO MORE!
I tend to stay out of touch of what the youth is talking about today. Given, yes I’m only 26, but I feel light years ahead of people within my age bracket. But we all develop wisdom at our own time. Yet I digress, back to the subject at hand. THE YOUTH don’t talk about shit!-- ie., “My lil’ cousin gradated today, and he had on this lime shirt, these true religion jeans, and these hot ass white and lime Nikes, with his lime socks to match.” “He was killing them lil shorties , them lil bitches couldn’t fuck wit him!” “And I was like that’s my lil cuz, that’s my lil nigga.”
Ok, so what in the hell did I miss a memo? When did kids start speaking like this? When did this become fundamentally okay to speak this way in public, with grown folks in ear shot? Did all Girls of Pre-teen age lose all there innocents? Where did the wonder and the excitement of not knowing go? Rap Lyrics of Slinging Drugs and living “the street life” became the daily norm and the maze of, is this it? “Imma fight that bitch if she keeps looking at me”
I remember a time of Quarter waters, and 25cent wise chips. Was it cause I was the only child, I may have missed out on this street theory? I don’t know, but what I do know is that innocents is never over rated, especially when we live in a world of famine; “in your face lying” governments, and a melting ice cap. Youth is the only place to truly hide! Or will that go the away like Beach erosions?

June 19 th marks the official date of the Emancipation of Slavery in the United States. Although President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 it took over two years before Southern states received the news that slavery had been abolished. Texas, still operating under a system of slavery was the last state to hear of the news and two and a half years later declared their slaves free on June 19 th 1865. Please note that The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to states that withdrew from the Union as well as Union territories. The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to any state that was under the Confederacy.
141 years, isn't really that long! Know your HIStory, so you can go full force with your future!

I’ve started listening to the Universe like never before. Letting the wind take me where it blows, Listening to the kind and endearing words of the wise men and women kind before me. As I started this Blog, I got on a never ending roll, and was about to tell ya’ll all my business. But being the New-bee I am, I deleted the damn thing by Mistake. Boy was I pissed, LOL. Then I realized, why are you given so much of yourself? Ease it in! I guess I have to realize where I stand as a person, and start to learn who my true reality is.
As I take my life walk. I have notice many of things along the way. Most of the streets I have walked have been lined with pain, and misunderstanding. Misinterpretation of self and confusion of where to place the pain. We as human have an innate longing to want to protect ourselves, both physical and emotional. In defending one self, we tend to lose the reality of who we really are. So busy surviving, and no longer living and learning. No one views themselves as the world sees them. Please always remember to live in the reality of who you really are, and not who you think you are. It makes it a lot easier to heal though the issues, and makes the journey of becoming a better being a lot smoother.

Yes!! Wonder Women is mine, don’t judge me! All the kids have one, I just happen to Love Linda Carter, anyway more important the Question of the hour, Who is your Icon? Now look I ain’t here to judge, so if it’s Grace Jones, then so be it. For the young cats it maybe Beyonce. Shoot a good friend of mine used to go in over Cheetara from Thundercats. Its all about what you like. So leave me some comments. Tell me who they were and why did you secretly love them so.

So I was asked to start a Blog and I thought why the hell not? Real reason I haven't ages ago, simple I'm just plain lazy.
Oh the deal grind of having to write something smart every other day can be trying on a black man.But we all most start somewhere.
"I Still Love you"!!!, 702 told me on the CD player this morning. I choose not to listen, Love comes dime a dozen, and I ain't buying. Not cause I don’t want to, but the only thing coming out these pockets are lent balls and rent checks. Like Mama used to say, "I just don't have the money, stop asking me". But maybe this love they talk of this “Still Love” is a free love, not the love for another but the Love of self.
As lately I had to learn the skill of affirming my dreams and there for proceeding to accomplish them. As I walked down my Harlem streets this morning, I heard a child rant and rave about how it's not fair! "Why does he get to stay and I have to go"? From an early age one has to realize nothing is fair. As much as that fact may suck it's the reality of the Universe. The key to getting around the undoubted fact that shit ain't always fair is to affirm your own dreams, and goals. If one is on the path of what they want to be doing in life. The "it's not fair" don't play a major part, for the reason that you have an end goal. The truest thing in life is, if you want to do something you can do it, but you just have to truly want to. Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it will actualize itself.