H i s d a i l y v a r i e t y

My Daily Views on the World!

Clik Magazine

Check us out In Clik Magazine May/June Issue. On news Stands!!!


The & Show: Sex AND The City

Fan Mail

Meet Comedian Nkosi Brown

Thank YOU!

I have to say, I love the fact that no matter what the show may say! Or what other may say! Or what I have to say as an Individual. It is building a medium to talk candidly about "issues" that are more clandestine then the gay man himself. HisDailyVariety was constructed to be an environment for me to exercise my enigma of a psyche, as well as build a connection to walk on as Gay men, to become the commanding entity I know we will have to be to survive into the next generation. Gay black men I have observed have a demonizing manner of viewing each other as well as life existences. So willing to bring each other downward then assemble one another together. We are so busy surviving one another we generally lost how to love one another. When does the deprogramming start, and he bridge building begin? I am so grateful that HisDailyVariety, no matter how minute, has become an situate to speak frankly about what is on our hearts, and lays in the inner mechanism of your minds.

Give me a break!

Ugly gay Men!

Wenesday Eye2Eye

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Jared Paul Shuler

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